Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'd Like To Lodge A Complaint

Since this seems to be the only forum where my complaint will carry any weight, I'd like to lodge a complaint against the principal of our homeschool. He once again got a Friday off for a long weekend and called school in lue of swimming and a big ole nap. I'm not getting my weekly goals accomplished here Mr. Principal.

But man oh man, is my tan looking HOT. Not to mention, my kids are squelling with joy and so happy to have some family fun time. And later tonight, it's the (&&^%#%*( family Poker competition, cause every 7 and 11 year old should know how to play poker with chips peeps. Cause it can be quite the math learning tool......and no I'm not grasping for straws, I'm serious. Try it sometimes. And frankly if you have doubts, come over and let my 7 year old wipe the floor with you. The kid is a natural card shark.

And cause I'm the Vice Principal and I carry some slight influence with the principal, I am decreeing tomorrow a school day....and then we'll have some fun in the afternoon.

Did I mention how much I truly love the freedom of our schedule? It's this freedom that will allow us to school through the summer while taking a few weeks here and there for fun.

Like when my kids go with my parents for a week....woohoo baby