My girls are not as enchanted with our new house as I am. See there is no cable, no satelite, nothing but movies on their tvs. They think it's the work of the devil and as Duchess says we should move, but no it is the work on their mother.
I'm determined that these girls get more active and get more done than just be tv zombies (no offense to those of you parenting tv zombies). In the month that we have been in the new house, with no cable, no satelite and the devil........I've noticed that Princess is reading more of her books. She is also riding her bike through the neighborhood and meeting other kids. Duchess however, is still wandering around the house all sad and lonely, no smurfs, no dragon-tails.....momma what is there to do?
Well since she just started karate this past week full time, The Man decided to show her how to practice at home the moves she was learning in class. Ignore my dirty house, but I ain't cleaning up jut so I can take a picture. Besides, saturdays are my chill day. Anyway.........she started off showing The Man her new thing, the latest and greatest karate move ever as shown to her by the smartest karate-r in the world.
She actually fell over after she completely that roundhouse..........
After sighing in disgust, The Man jumped into show her the problem spots........boy I need to turn my lights on when I'm shooting inside huh?
The we tried to next logical step, keep your balance and kick the pillow..........but you'll notice that she is holding onto the couch too?
But after almost n hour of instruction and work, my baby did it. She stood straight up and kicked straight ahead, and promptly fell over......
But she got up again, with a smile.........
I'm loving that she has something to go and do each week now. I hate that she'd have to sit in the car with me and wait on Princess to finish with this or that, now she is getting active too.