Since we are in the new house, slowly unpacking, and living without wireless till next week, I'm stuck blogging on my lunch.....bare with me....
Before we get deep into house crapola.....I had to finish up the whole county fair thang..... This was Duchess' first real ride. The Man took her on the ferris wheel and I could hear her screaming over by the corndog stand. Poor thing, she was excited and scared to death at the same time, which is kinda the point. I was so impressed with her. Could she be up under his arm any further?
Ahhh, this was more her speed.....she liked this one.......
Princess decided to do a big girl ride she has her dad's approach to difficult situations.....downplay the drama and puke in private. She totally grinned with this frozen terrified look on her face. Then when I reached over and grabbed her hand, she yelled "why isn't this thing going faster" Yep, she gets that from him......
So The Man and the kids tried the scrambler. The Man kept telling me I "owed" him cause this was not a ride for a grown man.......but he chickened out and wouldn't ride the zipper with me. So the picture you won't see, is the one where my mom, me and our cameras got into a little steel cage with Princess' purse and a jacket. Then the recipe said to shake and stir it up, so we flipped and flipped which was great until mom lost her grip on her camera. That farker hit me in the forehead and kept flying. Then I lost my grip on the purse and Princess' change collection went pinging around the inside of that cage like little flying death traps. It went downhills from there. So when we landed and went stumbling out, the little operator man laughing quite children pointed out that they knew which car mommy was in, cause it kept yelling obscene bad words. Really obscene bad words.......geez.......opps
Then s the rain pelted us and soaked the kids, I finally got The Man on one ride. Except, we'd just eaten a full lunch......full carnival lunch I might add. So when I was hooping it up, he got red, and then more red and then "OMG, are you having a heart attack" red and finally the ride slowed so he admitted that he really needed to puke. Just to have the thing start going backwards.....oh time he says "no honey, I don't want to ride ANYTHING"
I should just respect that.......