This week has been very tiring here folks. Not to bore you, but I'm back in action, finally. Lets do a quick overview of the hell, I mean week I've had...
1.Duchess is STILL sick. Poor baby. The cough has moved to her lungs and she is hacking that dry cough days later. Now, she has graciously shared it with me, hello daytime Cold Pills! Yes! See the rosy cheeks, the askew glasses and the pigtails, those are all signs there that the child is not her normal self. Never under any circumstances will this kid wear pigtails, unless she is too sick to care what her mom does to her hair. This is on the way to the second doc visit of the week. Poor baby. 2. The Man was home briefly, then left, then came home after his flight was canceled. Then left the next morning after I took him to the airport at 4 freaking o'clock in the morning. Geez.... Then he actually left, just to get stuck at LAX for 14 hours cause his airport on the east coast was closed down. So he came home again that night, which called for yet another airport run. So tomorrow he will attempt to leave AGAIN. (I am so sick of that hour long one way drive to the freaking airport!!!)
3. Princess decided to attempt a royal mutiny for my crown yesterday, leading to all out war. She knows that it's easier to drive mom nuts when she's sick, she doesn't run that fast. However, I had things under control until The Man called from the airport....Then I gave up and handed her over.
4. The royal castle is DISGUSTING. I seriously have cleaned all day and there is no end in sight for laundry. Mental Note: Do not get sick again, ever!
5. I'm still not working yet. I come from the boonies and apparently they are still waiting for proof that I have never committed a felony crime, ever. Since I have lived in fourteen different counties they have to check with each one. So while thirteen other counties have verified my non-criminal self, my HOME county has yet to respond.
6. First paper due for new class. Oh mercy, I started at 11:00 p.m. and finished at 2:00 this morning. Then I posted it and went to bed. Got up this morning and was horrified when I read it, people....I have got to write more papers while high on cold meds and no sleep....its freaking awesome. Even The Man wanted to know who I got to write it for me....Apparently my brain works better by itself so I should just let it take over more.
A good note is that having The Man home I was able to get the following done:
1. Hang curtains in dining room
2. Get fireplace in livingroom going
3. Take four long bubble baths without interruption, oh sorry wrong list....
4. Clean out garage so kids can actually open doors when I park inside, rather than climb out windows like Duke boys
5. Get baby-ed while being sick, this is by far the best
Still aiming to get:
1. Curtains hung in livingroom
2. Den fireplace running
3. Interior of car cleaned out
4. Dinner cooked without me doing it