Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Girl Thing to Do

When I find a song I like, I play it till I know all the words. Then I play it until I can sing it in my sleep and then I play it more. I love music. So, when I ran across this little song.....well it's the ringer on my phone, on the ipod and in the cd player in the car. Cause I'm freakish strange like that.

However, it wasn't till I watched the video that I realized that keying someone's car is such a chick thing to do. Yeah we're really vindictive as a gender, true but dang are we really that bad?

So a girlfriend and I compiled a list of really bad things we've names, don't bother guessing cause I didn't do all of these, lol. However, I did do my share. Here's what we came up with:

Things We've Done-From An Injured Woman's Perspective
1. Keyed 4 vehicles
2. Kicked a dent in one truck door
3. Cut the wires on someones radio/amp thingy
4. Called 2 woman and told them the guy had herpes
5. Tossed a guy's pager in a lake
6. Ran over 1 guys foot
7. Backed into one guy with a car while leaving in a huff (he lived, I swear)
8. 12 times spent following a guy around town
9. Told off 1 guys mom in very graphic detail about why he sucked
10. Stabbed one tire with a screwdriver, his own screwdriver at that

As best we can figure, all of this was done before the age of 20. Dang, it's making alot more sense why I love this song.

So anybody else done anything on our list? Worse? Make my day here....