Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Cause I couldn't think of a better title........I really dislike titles...I'm gonna start numbering them for giggles.

3rd day on the job and already I'm on the crew. My new company logo-ed polo and button up shirts came in today. They ordered them before I started. For an office full of old guys, they nailed the sizing surprisingly and the jacket is comfy. I kinda like this. The colors such though, all pastels and crap. If you know me, you know I don't do pastels. Gonna ask for some black shirts, that's so much better.

Today I got some much done. Bargained with Verizon on cell phone repairs, worked on laptops and made friends with the coporate IT guy who is in balmy Dallas. Took up the offer to rearrange my office the way I wanted and the boss wouldn't let some of the sups go to lunch until they got it done, woohoo. They rock. Now it's much better organized so I'm loving that. Now to get everything out of the boxes and organized and labeled cause I be OCD........I feel better saying CDO though cause Mary tells me it's in order that way, lol.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop but so far I'm really enjoying my work. It's a variety of stuff and the people are super respectful but still normal so unlike Utah, really unlike the stuffy nature of Utah. I was like a pig in a chicken house up there, out of place!

I have to get better at taking an actual lunch break though, cause I'm quickly slipping into the eatting at my desk while working mode. Bad, me....bad.

My commute is actually nice. It gives me breathe time. Time to switch hats between work and mom. I blare the music and sing and weave through traffic. Then right when I hit the same exit on the Interstate, Dave calls me every afternoon while he's leaving the refinery and on my headset we chat the rest of the way home. It's nice to have that talk time, he cracks me up. What a blessing he is to my life! But don't tell him, he'll get the big head and expect me to pick up his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor.

So, I got home and the race was on. I ran in, threw chicken in the microwave to dethaw, started the oven to preheat, ran next door and grabbed the kids, loved on Murphy, chatted with kids over their day and homework, and school gossip while throwing together some coleslaw to chill in fridge and season chicken for broiling. Mixed up some potatoes and then fed the dog. The landlord came by to check on the paper blowing out of my heat vents. Dave came home and we ate. Then we headed to walmart so we could get a few basics and more lunch stuff, cause Duch won't eat bollgna (had to sing the song to spell that) so it was desperate times. Of course shopping at the WalMart is fun times.....we always think of more crap, like gloves for kids cause they be freezing on the bus ride, a new bra for Prin (who announced in the frozen foods section to her dad that she now wears the same size bra as her mom but the cup sizes are different, OMGawd, poor Dave, he looked like he was frantically searching for an escape route through the ice cream), and then the toliet paper that we seem to eat like candy around this place. Got home in time for family bible reading and tuck in. Now I get to lay out their clothes (cause the little lazy bums forgot which is fun for me cause then I get to pick what they wear, lol), pack lunches and then if I can still see straight, shave my legs.

Forget the legs, it's's warmth.

I'm going to bed.