Princess got a haircut about a month ago. She wanted to try growing her bangs out and since her hair grows like a patch of weeds, we'd nearly accomplished it, when I realized something. I didn't like her hairstyle.
It was too old for her. Seen here on a wild and wooly day, but when dried and fixed, she was rocking a sleek teenaged style bob. Not to mention she kept most of her long bangs drapped over one eye. I think not.
So after much to do about hair, The Man and I finally came to terms with a haircut. She got her bangs back, and we got some layers in the back to enhance the natural curl. Cause I'm sorry but sleek and flatironed hair in not appropriate for my nine year old.
I think she likes it. Don't mind my water stained bathroom mirror........
I think she looks her age now. What do you think?
And since I was so busy showing her how to do her hair this morning before work, this is what I got stuck with.
Is it me, or are our little girls just growing up too fast?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Pruning Princess
1:00 AM