Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Don't Think So

I'm a very strange person. I embrace that, I like that about myself. I'm not a cookie cutter person, there aren't millions of me running around. (Personally I think that is a good thing too) Which is why I'm totally pissed off this morning. I look like a girl.

When I first started working at 16 in an office of a grocery store in my teeny tiny hometown, my boss and trainer gave me one good piece of advice that has stuck with me.

Always dress professional, always! And never ever show your legs at work, they'll remember that you're a girl. Then she told me my uniform was black dress pants, black heels and a white button down shirt.

To this day, I follow that advice. I only a million pairs of black suits, black slacks, black shirts with some white, grey and browns thrown in. The shoes are the only thing that deviates from the plan. I have embraced my shoe love and will happily wear black professional clothes for the rest of my life, but I'm wearing red heels, or cream colored boots, or plaid 4 inch heels with them. It works for me. My thing is, shoes don't have to match anything you wear except your earrings. Again, it works for me.

So this morning, well it just pisses me off.

I have had quite the busy week, my job for once is completely fufilling and I'm actually thinking of stopping the occassion job hunt (gasp!). Since I'm now doing three jobs in one, I stay busy enough that I don't have time to gripe or surf the internet. I love it. However, between work, back to school, The Man's hunting, feeding my family and Murphy....well I didn't have time to do my work clothes. They get set aside and I wash them separately. Babying them in really nice "black only" detergent to extend their lifespan. (I also use baby powder and wipes on my shoes, shut up)

So this morning, I ran into my closet to grab a mixture of black, as I seriously wait till the last minute to get dressed, literally the kids are outside loading their crap into the car: pants (black) -check, shirt (black) - check, snug fitting but very very long light sweater (black) -check, shoes (pale tan with 3 inch heel and cute little silver buckle) -check, jewelry (silver) -check. I also grabbed a Dr. Pepper over ice in a cute pink plastic cup, to sip on the way to work.

I was out the door in three minutes. This is a normal occurance for me.

It was as I was pulling out of our neighborhood that Duchess screamed loud enough to crack glass. Causing me to hit the breaks, whiplashing myself into the steering wheel and dropping my FULL pink cup of Dr. Pepper on the console behind my gearshift.


I turned around thinking that her head must have exploded or a limb fell off, but no, she is pointing at this teeny tiny little spider on her window. Cowering in fear. Princess was no help, she was rocking her ipod.


So I turned around and took my self home for a change. See the Dr. Pepper soaked my console, my pants beneath the knee and my floorboard. The Man is going to kill me. Dead girl walking.

So I left them mopping up the liquid and ran inside house, therefore setting off the house alarm. Fun, I tell you. Then running back to turn it off, stripping off pants in my livingroom to leave a Dr. Pepper soaked puddle on the floor. Past the barking dog who must think I'm insane by now. Into my extremely OCD closet where I realize that *gasp* I have NO pants. They are all dirty.

So here I sit, in my all black and great shoes. In a farking skirt. One of three skirts I own for church.


I've already been told I have nice legs twice.

Once by another admin, she knows the drill and is loving this. Another by a complete stranger in the stairwell.

I flipped him off.

Happy Thursday from the skirt wearing pissed off idiot.