Saturday morning we hit a Dinosaur Museum. Now, we'd been planning on going to this forever, but just haven't made the time. So up and early, we were the first ones there on Saturday!
It's a good thing, because I took over 200 pictures. Dang!
The Man and I do try and get our kids out for "family field trips" often but since moving here, we've slacked off, so we're hoping this puts us back in our groove.
The museum was great, even if Princess kept telling this kid from another family to "back off, I can feel your nasty breath on my neck". Seems this family was desparate to be rid of their kids and kept wandering off, leaving them all right behind us. We finally ditched them in the sand room, ha! We faked left and then went right, it's a football technique I think.
Words just don't do this justice, so I'll just let you browse through the experience of "Build A Dino"