Well yesterday was a good day. I managed to leave my long time temp job with The Man's company with no burnt, crispy bridges....okay, a few were singed but I'll sleep okay with that. I think that came down to two type A personalities with the same job and career ladder. So I got a send off with a cake, sorry had to cover my real name ;) but you get the idea. It's been wonderful. I actually left work early. Me, I left early. This is a big occassion as I'm very serious minded about work. So I left at 2 and came home to have a lovely nap. ( I nap often, I wonder if this is why I can't seem to actually exercise, at all ) So needless to say, I start my new permanent job on Monday. Very excited and a little nervous, but that is good. I should be nervous. Otherwise I'd be dead.
So the Royal household took me out to eat.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Sweet Freedom
10:25 PM
The Man was starving and simply wouldn't stay in his seat long enough for a picture. But he was quite full and happy on the way home. :)