Then real life comes back into play and I want to hang her upside down and bite off her toes. Pre-teen angst is starting early at my house...........waaahhhh
And what was I doing? Well I was sitting in the grass in my "I see London, I see France" pjs documenting this glorious experience so we can look back on it when we're 80. Maybe, just maybe when I point out that he was doing it wrong and it took almost an hour to do, he'll finally think it's funny.
Well it was funny..........Still waiting on internet service (we be in the boonies now) so will probably be back Monday morning, hopefully with full house shots of a beautiful and unpacked house.........
So the end product is not quite to my liking. But as of 5 p.m. on Friday, we were completely moved into the new house. we're unpacking..........still............and could use some help...........please.........
More interior shots to come tomorrow...........see you then
I lost some dining room space but you won't hear me crying.....the other one was so big and awkward that it was hard to decorate and didn't have that homey feeling that I love. Plus my pub table works well in this area......
This is the entrance to my living room. You see the coat closet.....You see the stairs to the full to the left you can see the foyer and the other end of that little hallway leads to bedrooms. I must admit that I am loving me some one level living. 10 plus years of multi-level living just sucked once I realized how much easier life is when you're all spread out on one floor. The Man gets points for knowing this ahead of time and forcing the rambler living.
More to come over the next couple of'll get to see, gasp.....the reality of civilian moving. Which might be normal to most of you, but this was my FIRST non-military move. Meaning I couldn't sit and sip iced tea and just point, I had to actually work.......
It was not've been warned.
Then s the rain pelted us and soaked the kids, I finally got The Man on one ride. Except, we'd just eaten a full lunch......full carnival lunch I might add. So when I was hooping it up, he got red, and then more red and then "OMG, are you having a heart attack" red and finally the ride slowed so he admitted that he really needed to puke. Just to have the thing start going backwards.....oh time he says "no honey, I don't want to ride ANYTHING"
I should just respect that.......