Turning 10 is quite the bid deal......and we did it in a blizzard, on ice. Everyone should have at least one ice skating birthday, what fun. Thank you boss for the discount too.
Princess was born 10 years ago this Christmas morning. Her's is my favorite birth story of ever. The Man and I were living it small back then. Little apartment, perfect sized for us with a nursery set up awaiting our princess. Warm California was experiencing a slight cold snap. The Man had given up cigs and wanted to step out for a stoggie after dinner. So I waddled out with him and sat on the steps outside while he puffed away. When done, he reached down for my hand and I refused to let him pull me up. Cause I'd wet myself, or so I thought. Turns out my water had broke. How utterly embarrassing for both of us. (and unlike my aunt told me, I didn't have a little glass bottle of pickles with me to drop and mask it) So when we got to the hospital, we walked and got drugs and walked and walked. Till we stopped at the elevators to call the folks on the payphone. I'm pretty sure that afterwards my mom spent the entire night in her rocking chair crying back home.
It was about this time that labor hit and I realized I was completely unprepared to have a baby. So I tried to crawl into the elevator and go home. So The Man (navy to the core) got in my face and told me to "suck it up and stand up and let's go have a baby".....the first and last time he's ever spoke to me like that. I tore him up.
After the drugs kicked in and I stopped telling everyone in the room that he was illegitimate (ba*tard got me pregnant, it was his fault), they had to make me put the playing cards away to actually push.
I've never been the same. She may look like him, but she's all me. It scares the living crap out of me. But back to the big 10.
All in all, a great time had by everyone. Especially since I stayed off skates, spending my time rescuing her little friends who fell and couldn't get up. Poor things. It was quite the comedy show. In a blizzard. Wonderful timing.
So next up: Duchess is turning 6 tomorrow. Where did the time go? Oh wait, I remember...
Just 6 years ago I was going to go into labor in the middle of the night. Then make it to the hospital too late for drugs. Then climb up the doctor's tie until he gave me straight shots of morphine, then deliver a sweet, black haired little chub who took one look at me and screamed. Love at first sight. Right about the time that my bestest friend in the world was leaving messages on my cellphone demanding to know where I was, cause she was gonna kill me for worrying her, when she was actually three floors beneath me working at her desk. Also, I'm pretty sure in my undrugged, semi-natural birth state that my mother was on speaker phone at some point in this, poor thing. I was not at my best.
Duchess came into this world with a bang. She was early too, probably the last time in her life she'll ever be early for anything.
And her birthday party? Saturday at the local Farm. Cowgirl style, all indoors except the covered pony rides. And once again, a predicted blizzard.
Irony, peeps, irony.
Leaving you thinking those deep thoughts as I finish up my last half week in my classes. Two finals, two papers and some homework due by Saturday. Cross your fingers (and legs) for me.