So life is getting back to normal at Hope central.
Princess is staying quite busy. Besides glamming it up with her short hair, which is way easier to fix than mine now, geez. She is starting choir. Let me repeat that, she is starting choir. I love my daughter and I know that she is many wonderful things.............a heavenly voice though is not one of those things. She is working up to piano lessons, she does okay on the guitar but the whole voice thing, she thinks she is American Idol and Hannah Montana all rolled into me. We bought her an ipod so we wouldn't have to listen to her "music" 24/7, but now instead of music, we hear her............hmmmmm not the effect we were looking for. However, when she commits to something it's 100% these days, so she is committing to choir, through her school. OMG. Pray for me now........... Duchess has just decided to forgo any and all self-disipline and run wild. She has taken over my house in her own little way. With mom down, that means that she can sneak off and watch unlimited amounts of TV. This is the same problem that got her blacklisted from Fox News at my house not too long ago, with her propaganda speeches. So I shouldn't have been surprised when the director of her school announced to The Man yesterday that when she was teasing Duchess about how she'd love to have a daddy like hers (I just bet you would..........hurgh) Duchess announced that she would kick her in the nuts.
We do NOT say nuts in my house. We are a house of girls. True The Man lives there but we are always trying to watch our phrases so that we raise little ladies. It's important that they be raised little ladies, yes they can curse and kick and punch and bite and throw down but only if wearing pearls and saying thank you afterwards...............ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I blame the tv. The Man has had his hands full keeping me well and alive, plus making sure Princess and Duchess were fed, had clean clothes and homework done, so somewhere in the midst of all of that, Duchess has found time to feed the little demon inside her with some unapproved tv.
Damn it (said while wearing my pearls, thank you very much)
That's it, as of right now, I'm better. I can't be sick anymore. I can't drag my feet and nurse this bad boy for all it's worth. I have to get better. NOW. Cause no kid is mine is saying nuts.
Friday, February 22, 2008
My getting old
10:01 AM