Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

He Melts Me

I was busy today. Duchess has the crud and I managed to grab her a doc appt so to kill some time in the -8 degree freaking weather, I let her sit happily doing the DS thing in the truck while I did a quick patch up job on some painting at the tiny house. We have yet to move EVERYTHING over so there is still little stuff to move and a few big things like the bunk bed, freezer and a bookshelf. But there were a few dings in the lovely vibrant purple livingroom paint that I wanted to touch up so they'd have a couple days to dry in this balmy weather. So there I am, bundled up and painting when Princess sticks her head in and says its dad on my phone for you. huh?

In twenty minutes, I'd missed one text, one email and three calls from him. Not good. This is the same man that will call once then text once then forget it and move on for hours cause he is busy. Something was wrong and I was hoping it wasn't someone died.

Instead of the "wheres and whys" it was " I love you " and whatcha doing.... ummm okay. Turns out he's been on the phone most of the day with his best friend, advising him and basically just listening to him. He's had a rough go at it since leaving the Navy. Ended up after a six year court battle being a single dad and being the best damn single dad we know. Six months ago he gets to know another single parent through their kids and two months later they marry. Four months have gone by and it's bad. Things are so out of hand and control that my heart hurts for this man. He deserves good things in his life, not this. And as it is after being faced with that level of pain and reality, my man calls me just to hear my voice and tell me he loves me.

I'm so thankful that over the years we have confronted our troubles. We have never shied away from difficult. And let this be a lesson, when we hit our seven year mark..... we had about six months of Christian marriage counceling. Best. Thing. We. Ever. Did. I learned so much in that six months and I met my husband all over again. I learned how to avoid the bad triggers for us both and how to compromise and mainly that love was strong, had faith, tough when it was easy to run, and love was giving! We are far from perfect, far! We love though and I am thankful for that love each and every day.