Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cynical Funnies

I scroll facebook sometimes, well just because..... and by scroll I mean, I sit there and laugh at the sheer stupidity that is there.... some of these people have lost their damn minds. I love the idea that "my life is perfect and fabu and Ima put it all out there for everyone to see" when in reality the truth slips through. The occassional drunken posts that mysteriously disappear the next day.... those are the most hysterical.

Then there is the post in disguise, which is the most common. Very passive agressive of some but they put up this long post about how disappointed, sad, frustrated, pissed off, lonely, and etc and then they sit back and wait for someone to "oh no, what's wrong" and then it's like shit, grab a glass of Cupcake wine and sit back cause this shit is gonna get interesting.

Seriously people, just come out and be all "Sandy (and be sure to tag her ass), I hate you because I heard from Julie that you were talking shit about me at lunch which I wasn't invited to, you hag bastard and I hope everyone finds out that you have herpes!" Now that would have a million replies and get some serious facebook post traffic, lol. I'd be all about promoting that and sharing it with all my friends.

Passive agressive hags.

Grow a pair.

And on that note, I've started cleaning out my stupid facebook based on the levels of stupidity shown by people I'd rather not have clog my day.

And I'll take this moment to honor that passive agressiveness with a little of my own.... there was once a few passive agressive people in my life, well they are irratating someone else these days :)