It was a most productive Thursday! I broke down and caged my monkeys. Mom and I got the kids a tramp, how much fun is that. Even better the Photo-Elusive-Step-Dad and my visiting brother came in while we were all at school/work and put that bad boy together. Woohoo baby. The kids came home and promptly passed out in joy, then came too and I didn't see them again until dark. Heaven.....
Now Murphy's reaction to the cage was unique. He ran outside and skidded to a stop, promptly had to pee in place on the deck and then barked for three hours straight while running around and under. Terrified. Poor little thing, he just didn't get it. He's had a really rough day. Besides all the outside noise and strange new cage in his yard, he had to deal with compressors and hammering.......downstairs........
Cause the contractor showed up and started my basement today. Woohoo baby. See we're adding a great room (seriously great at 24x16), a nice sized laundry room, a bedroom and the largest damn bathroom in Utah. I got carried away on the bathroom thing. Opps, does anyone else have a 12x9 bathroom that is NOT a masterbath? Anyone?
Teeny example of that......this conversation actually happened this morning when we did the pre-work walk-thru
"I'm not liking that there is a corner here? Why is there a corner there? What purpose is that corner? It's not like I could PUT anything in it, it's tiny! What if we move this wall out oh what is that 2 inches..."
Patient contractor: "more like 12 inches"
"and then just streamline this wall, it'll just add to the laundry room, I like that much better, what do you think?"
Patient contractor: ".."
"perfect, let's do that"
He got smart and just started nodding alot. See, he's learned how to deal with me already. And, I was totally that pic again from the great room, see how lovely and streamlined that hallway stupid 2 or 12 inch corner between the laundry room and bedroom in the hall....
And you've just met my new that most of the landscaping is done, I'm now a basement building/design junkie. God help us.