Having been blessed to have landed smack dab in my career of choice field upon arrival to the snowy mountains where we now call home, I have been asked exactly what I do. So here is the version fit for public consumption.
I find, recruit, interview people for a large company.
Notice that I don't hire, people who have my real big dream job, do that. I am their assistant but I still have a ton to do with the process.
Here is my normal day: Yesterday in fact!
Upon arriving to work, since I work at a large large facility, I park in the boonies and take the shuttle in to the front of my building. (note: be careful when using your ipod during this commute as you'll miss your stop and end up three buildings away thus ensuring that your feet will be hurting before you even get to your desk. Ouch) Yesterday I arrived at work to find breakfast. Yes, breakfast. Someone was cooking pancakes in the office for all of our department. So I grabbed some pancakes and headed to log in to my computer and see what the day has brought me.
As we're having a large hiring event next week, I have tons of travel to do, references to check and paperwork to prepare for the arrival of the hopefuls.
Then I have to prepare for the actual event, the presentation. Which is part of my duties. I bring them all in, like a glorious tour guide herding hopeful cattle into a large room (after walking them 1.5 miles from the visitor entrance, not for the faint of heart).
No these aren't garbage cans. These are portable presentations. We fly with these, drag them from building to building, college to college and so forth. My company is the pooh.

Then, I spent all morning double checking paperwork. The folders above contain all of every hopefuls life history and such. I have list upon list upon list. Then I called to verify that everyone on my list had their travel arrangements and reminded them to bring their credentials. Otherwise this would be more leg work for me.
Then we had onsite interviews in process, so I did pre-lims with my people then sent them off for a site tour and blah blah blah. Then waited to see if they made it to the next round. Then made sure my schedule went smooth and no one was waiting too long.
Then lunch. I had a salad with no dressing to make up for the fact that I hit the strawberry shortcake dessert bar and made myself a HUGE one. Good thing they don't charge by the pound. Eating dessert first is such a chick thing to do but hey, yum......
Then I had to walk two buildings over to get copies made for my files. Then touched up my manicure while waiting on them to finish them. :) Gotta look good eh?
Afterwards, I sat with my ipod and together we knocked out most of the travel for next week's event. Woohoo. Go me and ipod.
Next thing I know, it's time to go home. Yet, I had a last minute travel complication with someone who missed a connection flight and called in a panic. 20 minutes later, said hopeful was happily on their way again and I was to begin my long walk to the shuttle.
Ahhhhh blissful work. However, those who know me know that I run 90 to nothing all day long from sun up to sun down. That is just my way, if I'm not exhausted, I won't sleep anyway. So this job is the perfect fit for me. Now, if only they would STOP feeding me so much cause I'm not gonna lose any weight this way! Crap!
Here is the secret to my "hit the ground running" attitude....The Big Gulp....

This happy cup and I stop each morning at the spit and shine corner gas station for a full load of Dr. Pepper for only $.62. This lasts me until lunch. No kidding. Little watery by then, but I'm good to go. After lunch, I switch to fat free hot chocolate (cause I'm always freaking cold and we live in the snowy mountains....) until I get home. Then it's sweet tea. Geez, it's a wonder I eat at all. Or have teeth...
So that is a day in the life of Hope4Grace. However, today finds me missing the luncheon and work event cause Duchess has ummmmmm tummy isssues since 4 am so I'm stuck here with her, geez........guess we'll cuddle up and watch tv all day. And I can do some homework, and clean my house, and wash my car and clean out my closet and scrub my tubs and sanitize the bathrooms and steam clean the carpets and wow, alot. But what will I do AFTER lunch? Cause I've already started my Big Gulp so I got energy to burn!