There are so many options for blog post titles on this one, I've considered the following:
I tipped it alot but stayed dry.
He did all the work.
They all had chicken and beer, we had salad.
I peed on my shoe.
He took a picture.
This is not how I pictured this.
And finally: holy crap this is harder than it looked. So we got up early on our first full day without my sweet babies, who are as I type living it up in Colorado with my folks. Dave the Gentile rolled me out of bed and we headed to the gym bright and early.
For once, we had a good time at the gym. I almost fell off the exercise ball but managed to catch myself and I didn't toot at all so I consider the gym a success. We also managed to work out with each other and left the gym talking and happy, a first for us as usually when we work out together I'm pissed and he's frustrated. Thank you Robert the trainer.
He treated me after the gym to a breakfast taco in the very worst area near the refinery but oh my goodness what a yummy yummy treat. Hmmmmmmmm good. For sure!
Then it was pack and float time. We hit the local super grocery and loaded up on lunch and fruit and drinks. I packed my southern belle floppy hat (totally would fit right in at the Kentucky Derby) and we stopped by an army surplus store for him a booney hat. Side note: after giving him the pouty look and a big ole long suffering sigh, I got the cutest camo skirt on me, it's jam up.
So then it was off to the river. This setup was the best. We paid when we made our reservation then we parked at the pickup point where a big ole van loaded us and our cooler up driving us down to the insertion point. We picked our canoe, blue to match my toe nail polish. Then we attempted to insert. Attempted, cause it took me awhile to get my balance and get my butt up on the front seat. And would you believe I had to face the front of the boat and hold an oar. I was sure it was wrong cause I'm suppose to sit facing my rower and admire his muscles in the sun as he rows us along with my in my big ole sunhat and trailing a hand in the water....turns out paddle is a verb, fancy that.
So we started upstream, then turned around and headed down stream. Now, I've canoed once before, in San Diego bay, and it was ALOT different. This river was so low I could touch my oar to the bottom at any given time. We had to work around logs, fallen trees, drunken groups of beer drinkers and the occasional church group, but the funniest one was the family with the parents in the kayak and their boys in a canoe. The daddy spent more time getting out of his kayak and pulling his boys out of the brush then moving down the river. Boy howdy we barely made it past them without getting t-boned.
Then we moved along and found us a sandbarge where we picniced in our boat, eating our yummy salads and drinking our sodas. We must have been quite a sight sitting there eating salads in our big ole hats while the other peeps were drinking beer and eating buckets of fried chicken. We started joking about being the old yuppies on the river, boy have the times changed. lol
So here we were chilling in our boat, having lunch, laughing and feeding the fish all kinds of egg, salad, and veggies then I realized I had to pee. Apparently my husband didn't realize that I was no stranger to pee-ing in the woods. So I went up on the bank by the brush and hunkered down behind a log and set about my business. I'd asked Dave to stand with his back to me and watch the river, making sure noone came around the bend. Except he turns around and giving me an evil grin, raises the camera and starts snapping pictures. I feel backwards and peed on my shoes and part of my shorts. Damn it.
Nothing puts you in a good mood like pee-ing on your shoes. But we prevailed and had a great time. Best of all, when we got to the end pick up place, they helped us out of our canoe and we jumped straight into the truck and home for a nap.
Proof that we're not too old to have us a good time without our babies.
I'm kinda scared of what tomorrow brings.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Warning: Me in a Canoe
9:01 PM