The week started out soooooooooooo good with a great Mother's Day. Then my professor returned my stupid research topic request and did not chose my number one choice (which of course what I was already researching and pulling sources for) so that meant stop drop and work my ass off to get a research proposal put together for my new topic and ready for submission last night. All day Monday was spent working on that bad boy. Then yesterday, the same. Last night, I took Princess to practice and sat there while she gets her softball on. And then after she landed wrong sliding into second, I took her to the ER. Not broken, just splinted for a sprain. She says she's playing this weekend for her first Montana (or as Dave calls this place, Montucky) tourney. I'll keep you posted.
After all said and done, I managed to squeak my proposal in with three minutes to spare. I'm also two paragraphs short of the required page length. Crap. Really hoping the professor over looks that. Crap.
But I have already mowed the yard this morning, watered the yard , and started washing bedding. Seeing how she was hurting and tired and drugged, Princess climbed straight into bed covered in dirt head to toe. It's gross. If it weren't for all the pink she wears and the ever present mascara and cherry lipgloss I'd swear she was a boy.
Side note: She lost her cell phone, for being a teen doing stupid crap. Amazingly enough she may never get it back, Dave has decided that seeing her all the time rocks. With no cell phone, she is all about family time now. Huh.....
Pray for me though, Duchess managed to talk us into her joining band. Playing the sax.
Sweet Jesus.