Is this really what we as a nation have come to stand for? Please take a moment of your day to read this article.
As a military family (no longer active duty) I must say this sickened me this morning. For a country that was built upon God (in God we trust, ring a bell?) this is what we have allowed. We have allowed politicians to go this far. It's bad enough that prayer and Jesus are no longer allowed in schools (although the LDS prophet is allowed in my kids' school) but are we as a nation determined to erase him from our very sight? I have seen this cross in person and let me tell you, it's a beautiful sight on the horizon. A beautiful tribute to the service of our military hereos present and past. Please remember this today.........please......
America is at the mall, on the phone and texting.....but our military is at war. Stand behind them or get your ass in front of them on the lines.
Have a blessed day.
Frustrated but honored to be an American,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Really? Seriously?
9:14 AM