So I did some time on the Homes & Gardens website, which is my crack lately. I just need my fix. And two points became obvious.
1. I live in a cookie cutter neighborhood. All the houses are 1 of 10 styles, they are all the in the same color family and since its a new neighborhood, there are no tree except the skinny little ones on the curbs that the city planted. Thus, my landscaping is the exact replica of all my neighbors, right down to the number of bushes and wood chips.
2. Colors: as I said the color is obviously the same of every other house.
So according to H&G, there are two immediate things I need to do to enhance my curb appeal.
Move and ... I'm kidding since it's apparent that me and this house will be together for awhile, thank you economy.
So yesterday I started on landscaping. I tore out most of the offending ugly stick shrubs and got busy.
The work continues today as I weed the flower bed, rake the backyard in prep of sod and get my weedeating done. I may even do some mowing, as it needs it, even if it is brown grass.
And I'm getting kicked off the computer cause Duchess wants to do webkinz. Peace out.