Since Princess turned 13 on Christmas Day, we postponed her bday party by a month. This past weekend, in celebration of the big 1-3, we took some girls snowboarding/skiing and then had a sleepover. I'm exhausted. But she's happy.
So since they all had lessons through the school and since we are very close to a local resort, the kids get cheap rentals and cheap lift tickets. Sweet deal if you ask me! So here they go, my teen in the white.
The whole independent thing cracks me up, but she needed no help short of "mom, pay the guy" and then it was strapping up, gearing up and "see you at noon right? later mom have fun". Seriously, I had to stalk her to get some pics but up there, my kid was on her own and didn't need mom a bit. Oooookay.
Break time, the kids are relaxing.
On the lifts, so sweet. Totally scared the crap out of me but again, totally got that without any help from anyone.
Ummm bye sweetie, have fun!
These kids stayed up till 2 am. I didn't make it that long. But I had my revenge, I woke their butts up at 730 for breakfast.
Next up: Duchess gets her first ski lesson. Oh boy!