Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Is That An Echo?

So up here in the boonies I sit, waiting for the massive amounts of snowfall that has yet to hit us. It's suppose to be here any week, except it changes weekly, lol. We'll see. I'm sure I'll be snowed in shortly so there you go.

But while I'm busy working with my kids, cooking meals, doing laundry, napping with the dog and starting my business. I'm staying busy.

And I'm so thankful for my friends. M and Case you guys rock. You keep me on the chain, you answer my emails and text me to come out of my shell. When you move away you really truly can become isolated very quickly. I"m trying very hard to stay in contact with everyone but I'm not doing a good job I worry.

Sometimes I hear an echo where I used to hear voices. I'm trying not to get lonely.

It's very quiet in the boonies especially when I'm not blaring music.

With possible huge changes yet again on the horizon, I'm so thankful to my momma and my girls for making sure that I'm getting that interaction I need.

You guys just rock.

And don't worry, I have met one friend here who is determined to not let me rot in my house. She's a hoot and frankly a little scary cause she's one of those perpetually happy people. ;) No drugs needed, lol.

I'm thankful for my support system. Even if you guys don't understand our life, you offer support and reassurance.

This is a crazy life we lead but it's one where God is in charge and will remain in charge so if we move often or make choices like the husband working in one state while we remain in another, you don't judge. You support. You understand that we don't make these changes lightly, it's done based on prayer and what is best for the family. It's not easy.

I repeat, it's not easy. It's not easy being so far from family. It's not easy to not be able to drop in on our loved ones or just show up at my friends house for a glass of wine and some whine. It's not easy.

But you understand that. You understand that I follow my guy. You understand that I pray for guidance daily so that God will give me the strength to be strong and do what I need to do for my family. You understand that Dave strives hard in his career to provide for us. You understand that the last four years have been about his busting his arse to build a career that puts money into the college fund for my kids and allows me to stay at home with them while seeking to start my own business. You understand.

You get a cookie for that.

Because I have enough people who judge and frankly, I try really hard not to judge others.

I get a cookie for that shit!

So for you out there who do nothing except love me and my family no matter what...........

A glass of wine without the whine. Peace, love and no crabs. I love ya'll more than my luggage, and I think we all know how much love and use my luggage gets.

So Mom, M, and Case............ I love you