Happy Birthday sweet girl. My baby, the littlest in my royal court is four. God, I'm old. Anyway, last party of the week done! No sleepover, just a bunch of little girls running around in super cute dress up clothes. Hour and a half tops! She had an awesome time, got some fun gifts and enjoyed herself! That is all that matters.
Oh and The Man called me from Costco prior to the party to inform me that her cake had porn on it. Well see for yourself....but does that princess look big breasted or what? So I'm wondering what in the hell....sure enough. Those are some huge boobs. I'm so jealous.
Anywho, have a large paper to write tonight, I'm actually ahead of my schedule as the rough draft isn't due until tomorrow night. Woohoo! Go me. Making some tea, doing about 20 loads of laundry (haven't washed nothing since Thursday) and getting busy. The Man is awaiting his final contract and we're awaiting the contract on our house. God willing everything will come through this week quickly. Keep praying.
More pics from Duchess' party below.