Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Barking Spiders

Yeah, how is that for a classy title?

So last night, Duchess was having a rough night. She was exhausted, grumpy and just tired of even trying to do what mommy/daddy said. So she just kinda quit. Turned in her notice and tried to go to bed at 8. This is normally encourage, heck insisted upon by her parental units, except The Man walked in her room and realized OMG, hurricane Duchess had ripped it to shreds. This did not go well but honestly I think he'd have passed it up if only she'd not colored on her baby highchair. So after we did the whole "somebody will confess" thing, and she confessed (surprised she didn't hold out longer, she was really tired) and then her and daddy said a little prayer for forgiveness and we moved on.

The Man and I moved right on into my bed. We were hoping to watch "Fools Gold" but those children kept coming in and I never got past the opening credits. Dang. They needed this, or they wanted that, or she did this to me.

So we took away the hockey stick they were beating each other with, and firmly told them to pick up their rooms, it was bedtime. Move it monkeys, move it. The next step was getting my hot shot out.

So we turned our movie on and snuggled under the covers, me and my chick flick and him and his laptop. Cause that is how we roll. When Duchess came running into my room at high speed.

Now those of you who know Duchess, know that this child moves at her own speed. Which is usually just high of strolling. So for her to be seriously booking it somewhere means there is a problem.

I raised my covers and looked at that little face hiding down by my feet....

"There is a huge wellow (this is Duchess speak for yellow) spider in my woom."

I pulled her up next to me to snuggle and elbowed The Man and sent him spider hunting. Except he was busy looking at motorcycles and kept ignoring us. Finally after a good pinch and Duchess yelling "I saw it" 40-million times, he surrendered.

So as I lay there snuggling her, listening to The Man toss her room to find the large wellow spider.

He came back and jumped on our bed with the news that he found no spider.

Her eyes were saucer sized while she digested this piece of news. I could almost hear her thinking "ok, this means that it is still in there, and I have to sleep there, arhhhhhh"

So I started tickling her and somehow it came up with one of us asking her if the spider made a sound.........? Like talked? Cause obviously we watch too much Pixar.

She said it barked.

I don't think I need to tell you where that conversation went but Lord help the people around us the next time Duchess has gas in public. It's all about barking spiders.

Finally, after this stretched out my bedtime till past 10, The Man grabbed some wellow fuzz off the hall carpet and announced that he'd killed the wellow spider. She was asleep 5 minutes later.

Two lessons last night:
1. We have become better parents along this journey. Seriously, when faced with a 5 year old that blatently lied to his face, The Man sat her down and firmly explained the consequences. Then he waited her out. I can't say we'd have been that patient 5 years ago. Nope, I know we wouldn't have been.
2. All the bad/tacky things our children learn, yep they are getting it from their folks.........
