Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oprah is the Anti-Christ.....I knew it!

Apparently all it took for Dave to stand up and annouce it was "time for me to get a job" was watching an episode of Oprah and sending him a little congrats letter on beating the national average concerning the average amount of sex in a month............. ummmm what'd I say wrong? lol.

He really did announce that I could go back to work though, lol. He was like you are not some Oprah watching housewife, do it, pull the trigger. lol

Who knew that that's all it'd take.........?

Except 10 minutes later he was asking me to run him a million errands this next week, so I'm wondering how he'll take the whole job hunt, lol