Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

It soothes me......

Today we went visiting a local waterfall. I tell you, water just soothes me.
I think of every movie where the characters swam in a pool at the bottom of a waterfall and I just wanta strip and jump in......
Then I notice the rocks and think again. So I just took some pictures......
Okay alot of pictures........
Until The Man commented on this being a continuation of my obsession with bathtubs and long soaking baths where I read, sip a cold Dr. Pepper and continually add hot water.......

Then he brought up the cost of our water bill........

We left the waterfall and moved on.

I get the hint dude.