While doing my daily drop offs of the kids, I pass a park everyday, there for the last week has been a woman jogging as I go by. Every morning, she's so diligent. She runs slowly on the tips of her toes and is in no hurry.
I want that. I want that stare on her face that says she is somewhere else focusing on her goal. I don't have that anywhere in my life. I can't think of a single thing that I leisurely work into to then stay focused on like that. With work, it's one deadline after another, school is the same. Although I enjoy both, there is an end product that is necessary. This woman might jog b/c she has to or maybe b/c she wants to but she is dedicated to it. If I exercise or take any time for myself, it's rushed as I have an eye on the clock. I wonder if I'll ever have that stare, that unhurried grace as I do something for myself. Hmmmm.