Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Punkass Chance

Over the years, Dave has always referred to "Chance". See "Chance" is the slick shit that will show up at the door asking to talk to Princess one day. "Chance" is gonna lose his teeth. Dave has planned "Chance"s demise for years, basically since Prin could walk. Yeah, whatever his name, he'd be blond, slimy and have a gay name, Dave was convinced.

"Chance" turned out to be Jory.

This afternoon Prin walks up and hands me her phone asking if I recognize this number that was texting her.  Hmmm, nope. So she asked. Turns out Jory is a boy in her English and History classes. She has no clue what he wants, lol. She was seriously freaking out and called her dad. Cause she texted little Mr. Jory and said exactly "my dad dont let me text boys" and Jory replied with "give me his number, I'll ask permission" ...... excuse me? Apparently little Montana boys have some serious BALLS. I about swollowed my tongue laughing so hard. Poor dumb boy. YOu asked for it. Happily gave over Dave's cell number.

On the way home from a drive this evening, Dave gets a very polite text from Jory with his full name and requesting permission to text Princess..... Dave is really trying to keep his shit together at this point. He texts back and then patiently sits silent.

You know I read that shit:

His response to Jory: Princess can not text boys. So no. Find a better use for your time.


Poor Jory.... seriously though kid, if you'd met Dave five years ago, I'd be bailing Dave out of jail for kicking your daddys ass.