Dear Monday,
I kicked your butt! I got the kids on the bus with all their poop on time. I made it to the library, exchanged some jeans for Duchess, bought toliet paper, hit Sonic, signed up as Duchess' room mom (help me), cleaned my house, wrote a paper, cooked a full meal, did 1 hour of reading with Princess, helped make study cards for a 6th grade science test, quizzed a 7 year old on vocab words, spelling words, math timed quizzes and answered several disturbing questions about insects, dealt with doc office, made appt to put car into shop tomorrow, set up a proctor exam for my legal class, sweet nothinged my husband, and dealt with house repairs.
Now I'm too dang tired to do the dishes.
Frankly, I just don't care. My give a ^$*) has got up and left.
Tomorrow I aim to spend some time reading on the couch! Dang!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hello Monday
7:55 PM