Southern girl plowing her way through life making the rules up as she goes. Warning: likes to bake, curse, quote movies/literature, is tattooed, married to The Man and mother of two girls. We bring new meaning to the "griswald way of life". Come along for the ride!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Duchess and I were carpooling together yesterday on our way home from work/preschool....

Me: Did you have a great day honey?

Her: Yep, I didn't hit anyone

Me: Good job.....

Her: (interrupting) Do I get M&M's?

Me: No


Me: (Singing to the radio)

Her: Mommy I see something in the sky

Me: An airplane?

Her: Nope it's a spaceship

Me: weather balloon?

Her: Nope, it's a spaceship

Me: No, it's not

Her: Yes it is

Me: No, it's not


Me: it's rude to yell

Her: it's rude not believing me.....

Me: huh? Who said?

Her: ummmmm it's a spaceship

Me: Do you know what's in a spaceship

Her: aliens

Me: huh?

Her: scary green monster aliens

Me: no, it's not

Her: uh-huh

Me: no, it's not, no aliens, no monsters, no spaceship

Her: I'll ask daddy

Me: (sigh)

Her: He knows all about aliens.......(blah blah blah, ongoing conversation that I kinda blocked out)

Later in the evening as The Man is under the hood of his truck and the thought occured to me:

Me: Do you know all about aliens......?

Him: huh? Pass that socket, no not that one, that's a wrench, the socket by your left hand, no not that one, the other aliens?

Me: yeah aliens

Him: no, but I did read our coffee table book on conspiracys, it was in there

Me: yeah? I missed that

Him: why?

Explained the conversation with Duchess......

Him: Huh, well why do you tell her that crap?

Me: huh? Not me, I didn't tell her that

Him: damn gossiping preschool know it alls........I hate when she talks to her friends about crap

Me: well that pretty much covers it